Automatic Number Plate Recognition System Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Bounding Box Technique


  • Editor IEEEP
  • Sara Saboor Department of Electrical Engineering Military College of Signals


Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technique occupies a significant importance as an intelligent management and monitoring system in real time. It acts as an essential part in a large portion of the vehicle monitoring systems, for example, activity administration, auto stopping/outstay control, tracking and identification of unauthorized vehicle in highly secure regions. An extensive variety of research on ANPR frameworks are accessible in writing. But these existing algorithms become inadequate due to changing illumination level and background conditions. Non­standard design of number plates in Pakistan make it even harder for the existing systems to show promising results. This paper concentrates on a productive framework to design an efficient ANPR system by applying Two-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transformation. Haar wavelet is being proposed due to its simplicity and being computationally convenient among all wavelet. The experimental result of this algorithm demonstrates that combining Wavelet transformation along with bounding box method results in a better performance in edge detection and character recognition.



How to Cite

E. IEEEP and Sara Saboor, “Automatic Number Plate Recognition System Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Bounding Box Technique ”, INHRJ, no. 2, Nov. 2023.