Creep force analysis at wheel-rail contact patch to identify adhesion level to control slip on railway track


  • Zulfiqar Ali Soomro Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro (Sindh) Pakistan
  • Imtiaz Hussain Kalwar Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro (Sindh) Pakistan
  • Bhawani Shanker Chowdhary Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro (Sindh) Pakistan


creep, adhesion, creepage, slip


Creep forces and creepage has a huge weightage in railway vehicle transport and wheel;-rail contact dynamics for detecting adhesion level to avoid the slippage of wheels from track for smooth running. In this paper, the wheelset dynamics comprising the longitudinal, lateral and spin moment creepage and creep forces along with their respective creep co-efficient has been enumerated and its mathematical modeling has been framed. The creep forces and creepage are analyzed under different adhesion levels to detect slip and slide of railway wheelset to prevent derailment.




How to Cite

Zulfiqar Ali Soomro, Imtiaz Hussain Kalwar, and Bhawani Shanker Chowdhary, “Creep force analysis at wheel-rail contact patch to identify adhesion level to control slip on railway track”, INHRJ, Jun. 2014.